UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador David Beckham is accompanied by children and a UNICEF staff member as he tours a UNICEF-supported centre for children who formerly lived on the streets, in Manila, the capital.

About the 7 Fund

It’s time to unlock potential

David Beckham has seen just how much can be achieved when UNICEF invests in the potential of children. 

We want to help children around the world – especially girls – break down barriers that too often steal dreams away: violence, bullying, child marriage and missed education.

The 7 Fund is helping children in Indonesia, Nepal, Uganda and El Salvador get a true chance to prove their potential – and see how incredible they can be.

This is the next generation of athletes and artists, engineers and entrepreneurs. They can lead their communities. They can transform their countries. They can own their dreams.

David knows just what it means to have the right support when you need it. He knows what it means to have people believe in you.

With the right support, these kids can be anything. 

No limits. No barriers. Just potential.


Tackling bullying in Indonesia

In Indonesia, we’re tackling violence and bullying – so children can feel safe at school and realise their potential.

Teenage girls are particularly vulnerable, and the impact can last a lifetime – destroying self-esteem and self-belief.

What we’re doing

We’re supporting a student led anti bullying programme, training teachers and helping schools put safeguarding plans in place, helping to reduce rates of school drop out and child marriage and creating a safer school environment to enable children to thrive.  Results from schools in Indonesia where we’ve piloted this work suggest bullying has fallen by nearly a third.

children sit at a school desk smiling
Students at a primary school in Sorong District take part in a group discussion on their experiences in school

Supporting girls to get an education in Uganda

In Uganda, we’re tackling violence in schools and communities – so girls can stay in or return to school and realise their potential.

Right now, 60 percent of girls in Uganda don’t make it to secondary school at all. Just as they are discovering who they could become, girls face abuse in schools and pressure to drop out to help at home.

What we’re doing

We’re supporting schools with teacher training and creating protection systems to track and report violence. We’re working with parents and community groups to show the huge, lifelong impact of supporting girls to stay in school. And we’re helping adolescents to build the skills and knowledge they need to protect themselves from violence and take control of their futures.

adolescents in school uniforms laughing and holding hands
Jenifer is originally a refugee from South Sudan, but is thriving in Uganda partly thanks to UNICEF who is working with her local school to improve conditions for teenage girls.

Tackling child marriage in Nepal

Nepal has one of the highest rates of child marriage in Asia. Girls are often forced to drop out of school and are left especially isolated – their potential stolen away.

What we’re doing

We’re working to bring about an end to child marriage through ensuring children, especially girls, stay in education and receive the support they need.

We’re supporting a programme to help girls who aren’t in school return to education and we’re helping girls and boys build life skills to protect themselves. We’re working with parents and communities to better understand the harmful effects of child marriage and supporting health services provide mental health support to boys and girls.

group of girls sat together listening to a teacher
Girls learn about child marriage during a special teaching session at their school in Nepal, supported by the 7 Fund.

Tackling violence in El Salvador

In El Salvador, we’re tackling violence – in homes, schools and communities – so children can grow up free from fear and realise their potential.

El Salvador is one of the most violent countries in the world that’s not at war. It’s ranked one of the deadliest countries for women. More than two thirds of all sexual abuse victims are girls under 18.  Children here are denied even the most basic chance to play outside because it’s so dangerous.

What we’re doing

We’re working in the six most violent municipalities in El Salvador to prevent and respond to cases of violence against children. We’re strengthening and improving access to child protection systems, supporting children to stay in school and transforming public areas into child friendly spaces, helping children, including those with disabilities, to safely play sports, learn life skills and build resilience.

two children playing football together
In El Salvador, sport is helping communities and children like Daniela to overcome divisions by teaching them about discipline and teamwork.

Discover more about 7: The David Beckham Unicef Fund